Docker Containers in Sandbox Definitions
It is possible to add docker containers to hosts in the topology of the sandbox definition. The trainees can then directly connect to these containers. This is done as part of networking ansible, and the only prerequisite is the existence of the containers.yml
file in the topology. The structure of this file, along with the container functionality, is explained in an example sandbox definition.
The definition contains a host deb
, with two docker containers running on it (home-docker
and home-docker2
). These containers are specified in a file containers.yml
- name: home-docker
image: debian
- name: home-docker2
dockerfile: home-docker2/
- container: home-docker
host: deb
port: 2222
- container: home-docker2
host: deb
port: 2223
specify Docker containers’ names and whether they are created from an image (as in home-docker
) or a custom Dockerfile (home-docker2
). In the case of a Dockerfile, a path to the Dockerfile in the repository has to be specified. Container names have to be unique, and either an image or a dockerfile have to be specified.
When using an image, a default Dockerfile is used. It installs an OpenSSH server on the container. This is necessary so that the trainees can connect. When using a custom Dockerfile, you also have to include the installation of the OpenSSH server (see here).
Container Mappings#
specify which containers will be set up on which hosts. Multiple containers can run on a single host (as seen in the example), and one container can be run on multiple different hosts. However, one container cannot run on a single host multiple times. Each container mapping consists of the container name
, host
(which will run the container), and a port
of a host that is used to tunnel ssh from the container through the host and to the trainee. Two containers cannot share a single port on one host.
Docker requirements
An installation of docker and docker-compose, which enable this functionality, requires at least Python 3.4
on the docker host. Image debian-9-x86_64
, for instance, is not able to run the containers, and it is recommended to use debian-11-x86_64
instead. Docker containers also require more resources, so using a reasonable flavor is recommended (csirtmu.medium4x8
was tested to run two containers on a single machine)
Currently, there is no indication of which hosts have running containers on the KYPO CRP frontend. You have to use the training definition to inform trainees on which host in the topology the containers are running (if that is important to the training).
User access#
The running docker containers can be accessed with ssh, using the user ssh config that can be downloaded for each sandbox. If containers.yml is present in the sandbox definition, the ssh config is expanded with entries for each docker container so that the containers are easily accessible with ssh, just like any other host. Once connected to, the users are logged into the root account.
Connecting to the containers from the KYPO CRP using Spice console or Guacamole access is not supported.
Do not reboot hosts which run the docker containers.
The docker containers are set up and started in networking ansible. If there are tasks in user ansible (performed on the host which runs these docker containers) that require a reboot of the system (such as a role disable-qxl), the containers will be stopped and not ready once the sandbox allocation is over. To prevent this and still allow a reboot, add the following play to the end of playbook.yml in your sandbox definition, as it will start the containers again.
- name: Prepare docker enabled machines
- docker_hosts
become: yes
- name: Build docker containers
project_src: "/home/kypo-user/containers/"
Because the default account the users log into is root, a workaround is required in order to update system variables. To achieve this, the beginning of a ~/.profile
file has to be updated. To add /root/.local/bin
to the PATH
, for example, add the following line into the custom Dockerfile
: RUN sed -i '1iexport PATH="${PATH}:/root/.local/bin"' ~/.profile
. An example of a Dockerfile including Ansible installation followed by a PATH update can be found here